College Transition

For students with disabilities, transitioning to college presents challenges in an overwhelming number of areas.  There are many changes to be dealt with including:  the move from protections under IDEA to ADA/Section 504; assessments and documentation of disability; accommodation qualifications and decisions; the move to self-advocacy including educational advocacy; legal autonomy; financial accounting; social independence; and self-care including medications.

College Advocacy

Once the student has accepted an invitation to enroll, Diane can begin advocating with college teachers and administrators regarding housing priorities/needs, transportation, counseling, course requirements, tutoring. assistive technology, etc.  Diane's background in educational law and administration, combined with a comprehensive understanding of special education, enables Diane to be a strong educational negotiator.

College Student Support

Advocacy and supports can continue as long as the student wishes.  This assistance can take place via email, text or other social media as well as Diane personally visiting the college.

It is Diane's goal to insure that each of her students experiences success and happiness from the first day of college until graduation!